Kim has worked as a contract biologist for over 25 years. Her activities have included radio tracking white-crowned pigeons in the Everglades, observing on commercial fishing vessels in Alaska, testing seabird mitigation devices on gillnet fishing vessels in Puget Sound and identifying and enumerating zooplankton on research cruises around the South Shetland Islands (Antarctica). Between 1999-2007, Kim focused on developing methods to reduce the incidental mortality of seabirds by commercial fishing vessels including a range of gear types (demersal longline, trawl and most recently pelagic longline) while working for Washington Sea Grant, University of Washington. Since 2008, she has updated an analysis assessing factors affecting seabird bycatch using independent observer data, provided input to the Alaska Fisheries Science Center regarding seabird data collected by their observer program, worked with NOAA Fisheries to develop a regional observer training program in West Africa and assisted with a nation-wide review of observer program safety training, policies and procedures.
Current & recent projects include:
- Modification of observer training materials and observer training focusing on sea turtle and seabird interactions in West African trawl and longline fisheries. BirdLife International (2018).
- National review of U.S. observer program health and safety policies protocols and practices. Client: NOAA Fisheries, National Observer Program (2017). Download
- Analysis of seabird interaction and bycatch data in the Alaska groundfish trawl fishery. Client: NMFS Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Resource Ecology and Fishery Management Division (2017-2018).
- Analysis of seabird bycatch data for Alaska groundfish longline fishery to support outreach activities to fishermen. Client: University of Washington, Sea Grant Program (2015-17).
- Co-teach U.S. Coast Guard approved Drill Instructor course for fishermen and Marine Safety Instructor training. Client: Alaska Marine Safety Education Association (2015).
- Development of regional manual and training materials for observer programs in central east Atlantic fisheries (ICCAT / NOAA Fisheries) MORE INFO (personal site)
- Performed training for Taiwanese fisheries observer deployed on pelagic longline vessel during a circle hook gear experiment to reduce sea turtle bycatch (NOAA Fisheries)
Kim received her B.A. in Biology and Environmental Science from the University of Pennsylvania and her M.S. in Fisheries Science from the University of Washington.
In Prep
Dietrich, K. S. 2018 (In Prep). Seabird interactions and catch in Alaska trawl fisheries – supplemental data collection revisited. Report to NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Contract AB-133F-13-CQ-0003/2171B/M0004 to Ocean Associates, Inc. [parts will also be submitted in peer reviewed journal]
Fitzgerald, S.M., K.D. Dietrich, and A. Wicklund. In Prep. Seabird bycatch in Alaskan trawl fisheries - an evaluation of observer sampling protocols.
Reiss, C. S. and K.S. Dietrich. In Prep. Comparison of two plankton net types for the capture Antarctic krill and associated zooplankton in the Southern Ocean.
Dietrich, K. S., Santora, J. A., & Reiss, C. S. (2021). Winter and summer biogeography of macrozooplankton community structure in the northern Antarctic Peninsula ecosystem. Progress in Oceanography, 196, 102610. doi:
Melvin, E. F., K. S. Dietrich, R. M. Suryan, and S. M. Fitzgerald. 2019. Lessons from seabird conservation in Alaskan longline fisheries. Conservation Biology
Dietrich, K. S., J. LaFargue, K. Keene, and J. Rockwell. 2018. Workshop 3 - S. J. Kennelly and L. Borges, editors. Proceedings of the 9th International Fisheries Observer and Monitoring Conference, Vigo, Spain. ISBN: 978-0-9924930-7-3.
Heinz KJ, Turk TA, Dietrich KS, Markle RL. 2017. Review of NOAA Fisheries Safety Policies and Procedures In US Regional and International Observer Programs. NOAA Fisheries Contract # EA-133F-15-BA-0016 to ECS Federal, LLC. Download
Reiss CS, et al. 2017. Overwinter habitat selection by Antarctic krill under varying sea-ice conditions: implications for top predators and fishery management. Marine Ecology Progress Series 568:1-16.
Siegel, V., Reiss, C. S., Dietrich, K. S., Haraldsson, M., & Rohardt, G. (2013). Distribution and abundance of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) along the Antarctic Peninsula. Deep-sea Research. Part I, Oceanographic Research Papers, 177, 63-74.
Yeh, Y.-M., H.-W. Huang, K. S. Dietrich, and E. Melvin. 2012. Estimates of seabird incidental catch by pelagic longline fisheries in the South Atlantic Ocean. Animal Conservation doi:10.1111/j.1469-1795.2012.00588.x.
Melvin, E. F., K. S. Dietrich, S. Fitzgerald, and T. Cardoso. 2010. Reducing seabird strikes with trawl cables in the pollock catcher-processor fleet in the eastern Bering Sea. Polar Biology DOI 10.1007/s00300-010-0873-1.
Santora, J. A., K. S. Dietrich, and D. L. Lombard. 2010. Fishing activity and seabird-vessel attendance near the northern Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Ornithology 37(3): 241-244
Dietrich, K. S., E. Melvin, and J. K. Parrish. 2009. Understanding and addressing seabird bycatch in Alaska demersal longline fisheries. Biological Conservation 142:2642-2656.
Dietrich, K. S., E. F. Melvin, and L. Conquest. 2008. Integrated weight longlines with paired streamer lines - Best practice to prevent seabird bycatch in demersal longline fisheries. Biological Conservation 141:1793-1805.
Suryan, R. M., K. S. Dietrich, E. F. Melvin, G. R. Balogh, F. Sato, and K. Ozaki. 2007. Migratory routes of short-tailed albatrosses: Time spent among exclusive economic zones of North Pacific Rim countries and spatial overlap with commercial fisheries in Alaska. Biological Conservation 137: 450-460.
REPORTS (by year)
Reiss, C., Cossio, A. M., Jones, C. D., Murray, A., Mitchell, G., Santora, J. A., . . . Watters, G. M. (2015). Winter habitat selection by Antarctic krill will increase krill predator-fishery interactions during ice free years (WG-EMM-15/05). Hobart, CCAMLR.
Reiss, C. S., Walsh, J., Dietrich, K., & Santora, J. A. (2014). Winter distribution and condition of Antarctic krill in relation to sea-ice and water column production in the South Shetland Islands during Austral Winter 2013 (WG-EMM-14/13). Hobart: CCAMLR.
Jones, C., Koubbi, P., Catalano, B., Dietrich, K., & Ferm, N. (2014). Mesopelagic and Larval Fish Survey. In J. G. Walsh (Ed.), AMLR 2010/11 Field Season Report (pp. 28-39): U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SWFSC-524.
Dietrich, K., C. Brooks, I.Bystrom, R. Driscoll, N. Ferm, J. Hinke, M. Janssen, D. Lombard, A. Pesce, S. Romain, L. Thoresen, A. Van Cise. In press. Distribution and Catch Rates of Zooplankton around the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-XXX.
Fitzgerald, S.M., K.S. Dietrich, T. L. Loomis, and J.A Pesta. In Prep. A pilot study to evaluate seabird interactions and mitigation methods for trawl paravane gear. AFSC Processed Report
Yeh, Y.-M., H.-W. Huang, K. S. Dietrich, and E. Melvin. 2011. Estimates of seabird incidental catch by pelagic longline fisheries in the South Atlantic Ocean. Submitted to ICCAT - SCRS/2011/201.
Dietrich, K. S., and S. Fitzgerald. 2010. Analysis of 2004-2007 seabird catch data in Alaska demersal longline fisheries. Saving North Pacific seabirds: Can Alaska's demersal groundfish longline fishers improve their performance? Alaska Fisheries Science Center Processed Report 2010-04.
Dietrich, K.S., A. Van Cise, R. Driscoll, J. Maurer, N. Sanchez, I. Bystrom, N.Ferm, G. Lemons, A. Maloney, S. Martin and S.Romain. In press. Zooplankton Abundance around the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. 2009-2010 Field Season Report, Antarctic Marine Living Resources Program, NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-XXX.
Cossio, A. M., K. Dietrich, R. Driscoll, and C. Jones. 2009. Distribution and Abundance of Krill in the South Orkney Islands. Pages 81-82 in A. M. Van Cise, editor. AMLR 2008/2009 Field Season Report - Objectives, Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SWFSC-445.
Dietrich, K. S., and S. Fitzgerald. Submitted 2009. Analysis of 2004-2007 seabird catch data in Alaska demersal longline fisheries. Saving North Pacific seabirds: Can Alaska's demersal groundfish longline fishers improve their performance? Alaska Fisheries Science Center Processed Report XX-XX.
Jones, C., M. Damerau, K. Deitrich, Ryan, Driscoll, K.-H. Kock, K. Kuhn, J. Moore, Tina, Morgan, T. Near, J. Pennington, and S. Schöling. 2009. Demersal Finfish Survey of the South Orkney Islands. Pages 49-66 in A. M. Van Cise, editor. AMLR 2008/2009 Field Season Report - Objectives, Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SWFSC-445.
Loeb, V., K. Dietrich, R. Driscoll, J. Fry, D. Krause, J. Sweeney, N. S. Puerto, M. A. Martinez, l. Ligon, and A. M. Van Cise. 2009. Distribution, Abundance and Demography of Krill. Pages 17-24 in A. M. Van Cise, editor. AMLR 2008/2009 Field Season Report - Objectives, Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SWFSC-445.
Loeb, V., K. Dietrich, R. Driscoll, J. Fry, D. Krause, J. Sweeney, N. S. Puerto, M. A. Martinez, l. Ligon, and A. M. Van Cise. 2009. Distribution and Abundance of Zooplankton. Pages 25-33 in A. M. Van Cise, editor. AMLR 2008/2009 Field Season Report - Objectives, Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SWFSC-445.
Dietrich, K. S., and E. F. Melvin. 2008. Alaska Trawl Fisheries: Potential Interactions with North Pacific Albatrosses. WSG-TR-01, Washignton Sea Grant, Seattle, WA.
Loeb, V., C. Brooks, K. Dietrich, R. Driscoll, D. Lombard, L. Protopapadakis, N. Sanchez, and K. Zaret. 2008. Net sampling. Pages 59-113 in A. M. Van Cise, editor. AMLR 2007/2008 Field Season Report: Objectives Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. U.S. Dep. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SWFSC-427.
Dietrich, K. S., V. R. Cornish, K. S. Rivera, and T. A. Conant. 2007. Best practices for the collection of longline data to facilitate research and analysis to reduce bycatch of protected species. Report of a workshop held at the International Fisheries Observer Conference, Sydney, Australia, November 8, 2004. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-OPR-35.
Dietrich K. and E. Melvin. 2007. Integrated Weight Longlines: Potential for Reduction of Skate By-Catch in Demersal Longline Fisheries. WG-FSA-07/51, CCAMLR, Hobart.
Loeb, V., K. Dietrich, R. Driscoll, A. Jenkins, D. Lombard, K. Green, L. Houser, K. Norton, and K. Zaret. 2007. Net sampling. Pages 54-106 in J. D. Lipsky, editor. AMLR 2006/2007 Field Season Report: Objectives Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. U.S. Dep. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SWFSC-409.
Dietrich, K., E. Melvin, and L. Conquest. 2006. Integrated weight longlines with paired streamer lines - Best management practice for demersal longline fisheries: Preliminary results. WG-FSA-06/52, CCAMLR, Hobart.
Jones, C., C. Brooks, B. Detrich, K. Dietrich, R. Driscoll, J. Kendrick, K.-H. Kock, D. Lombard, T. Near, and S. Wilhelms. 2006. Demersal finfish survey of the Northern Antarctic Peninsula. Pages 107-134 in J. D. Lipsky, editor. AMLR 2005/2006 Field Season Report: Objectives Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. U.S. Dep. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SWFSC-397.
Loeb, V., L. Asato, C. Brooks, K. Dietrich, R. Driscoll, A. Jenkins, D. Lombard, and M. Meredith. 2006. Net sampling. Pages 55-106 in J. D. Lipsky, editor. AMLR 2005/2006 Field Season Report: Objectives Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. U.S. Dep. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SWFSC-397.
Melvin, E. F., K. S. Dietrich, and M. D. Wainstein. 2006. Solving seabird bycatch in Alaskan fisheries: a case study in collaborative research. Washington Sea Grant Program.
Melvin, E. F., M. D. Wainstein, K. S. Dietrich, K. L. Ames, T. O. Geernaert, and L. L. Conquest. 2006. The distribution of seabirds on the Alaskan longline fishing grounds: implication for seabird avoidance regulations. WSG-AS06-01, Washington Sea Grant Program.
Santora, J. A., M. Force, K. Dietrich, D. Lombard, C. Reiss, and A. Cossio. 2006. Distribution, abundance, and behavior of seabirds and mammals at sea. Pages 187-193 in J. D. Lipsky, editor. AMLR 2005/2006 Field Season Report: Objectives Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. U.S. Dep. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SWFSC-397.
Loeb, V., K. Dietrich, R. Driscoll, D. Lombard, K. Zaret, T. Bentley, M. Force, P. Kappes, Kristy, Kroker, T. Reddy, S. Sessions, J. Warren, and S. Wilson. 2005. Net sampling. Pages 49-107 in J. D. Lipsky, editor. AMLR 2004/2005 Field Season Report: Objectives Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. U.S. Dep. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SWFSC-385.
Dietrich, K. S., and E. Melvin. 2004. Annotated bibliography: Seabird interactions with trawl fishing operations and cooperative research. WSG-TA 04-02, Washington Sea Grant, University of Washington, Seattle.
Melvin, E. F., K. S. Dietrich, and T. Thomas. 2004. Pilot tests of techniques to mitigate seabird interactions with catcher processor vessels in the Bering Sea pollock trawl fishery: final report. Final Report WSG-AS 05-05, Washington Sea Grant, University of Washington.
Melvin, E., K. Dietrich, K. Van Wormer, and T. Geernaert. 2004. The distribution of seabirds on Alaskan Longline fishing grounds: 2002 Data Report. WSG-TA 04-02, Washington Sea Grant Program.
Jones, C., J. Ashford, K. Dietrich, A. DeVries, S. Hanchet, K.-H. Kock, T. Near, T. Turk, and S. Wilhelms. 2003. Bottom Trawl Survey. Pages 111-143 in J. D. Lipsky, editor. AMLR 2002/2003 Field Season Report: Objectives Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. U.S. Dep. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SWFSC-355.
Loeb, V., K. Dietrich, M. Force, N. Gong, A. Jenkins, J. Reum, R. Rowley, C. Ware, and S. Wilson. 2003. Net sampling. Pages 50-110 in J. D. Lipsky, editor. AMLR 2002/2003 Field Season Report: Objectives Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. U.S. Dep. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SWFSC-355.
Loeb, V., R. Rowley, F. Borberg, K. Dietrich, N. Gong, A. Jenkins, P. Malan, and D. Stubing. 2001. Net sampling: krill and zooplankton. Pages 46-104 in J. D. Lipsky, editor. AMLR 1999/2000 Field Season Report: Objectives Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. U.S. Dep. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-SWFSC-302.
Melvin, E. F., J. K. Parrish, K. S. Dietrich, and O. S. Hamel. 2001. Solutions to seabird bycatch in Alaska's demersal longline fisheries. Project A/FP-7, WSG-AS 01-01, Washington Sea Grant.
Jones, C. D., K.-H. Kock, S. Wilhelms, J. Popp, D. Ramm, K. Dietrich, P. Kappes, and D. Lombard. 1999. Bottom trawl survey of the South Orkney Islands. Pages 137-154 in J. Martin, editor. AMLR 1998/1999 Field Season Report: Objectives Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. SWFSC Admin. Rep. LJ-99-10.
Loeb, V., W. A. Armstrong, K. Dietrich, M. Force, N. Gong, A. Jenkins, and D. Lombard. 1999. Net sampling: krill and zooplankton. Pages 65-114 in J. Martin, editor. AMLR 1998/1999 Field Season Report: Objectives Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. SWFSC Admin. Rep. LJ-99-10.
Loeb, V., D. Lombard, W. A. Armstrong, K. Dietrich, and N. Gong. 1999. Abundance and distribution patterns of copepod species during January -February 1999. Pages 115-120 in J. Martin, editor. AMLR 1998/1999 Field Season Report: Objectives Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. SWFSC Admin. Rep. LJ-99-10.
Loeb, V., W. A. Armstrong, R. Johnson, E. Linen, M. Force, C. F. Phleger, V. Siegel, K. Dietrich, and M. M. Nelson. 1998. Direct krill and zooplankton sampling. Pages 61-117 in J. Martin, editor. AMLR 1997/1998 Field Season Report: Objectives Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. SWFSC Admin. Rep. LJ-98-07.
Jones, C. D., K.-H. Kock, S. Wilhelms, K. Dietrich, P. Kappes, R. P. Hewitt, J. Popp, and C. Rowe. 1998. Bottom trawl survey of the South Shetland Islands. Pages 140-158 in J. Martin, editor. AMLR 1997/1998 Field Season Report: Objectives Accomplishments and Tentative Conclusions. SWFSC Admin. Rep. LJ-98-07.
PRESENTATIONS (by year) Currently incomplete
Dietrich, K. S., and S. M. Fitzgerald. 2010. Seabird Bycatch in Alaska Trawl Fisheries: A Comparison of Observer Sampling Protocols - Preliminary Data (poster). First World Seabird Conference - Seabirds: Linking the Global Oceans, Victoria, Canada, Sept 2010.
Santora, J. A., K. S. Dietrich, and D. Lombard. 2008. Fishing activity and seabird-vessel attendance near the northern Antarctic Peninsula (poster). 4th International Albatross and Petrel Conference, 11-15 August 2008, Cape Town, South Africa.